One of the excellent student said that it really is up to you to decide when you want to study and when you want to play. You can never learn when you force yourself to study. Besides managing your time wisely, you need to have the learning environment you are comfortable with. If you like learning with music, do it. If you like it quiet then find your own perfect spot. When i can`t digest any more info, i stop and play. I play badminton or something else to release stress. Sleep helps too. Sometimes i joke around with my friends, have a good laugh and continue studying afterwards. After you learn to balance both, you can be as busy as anything and still score in everything.
Who is your inspiration?
I don't really have a role model. I look up to anyone who is different and unique. Unlike most people, my inspiration doesn't come from a person but actually from words and quotes. For example, i like the line "every reaction has a reaction". It makes me feel like no matter what you do there are consequences. So, never cross the line and think before you act. Another quote would be, "time you enjoy wasting is not wasted". It makes me feel less guilty when i decide to have a bit of fun!
to be continue...
to be continue...
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